Traynor Family Vineyard


An exciting trio from Prince Edward County: a red pétillant naturel, unfiltered pinot gris, and rustic gamay noir from avantgarde winery Traynor Family Vineyard  

2020 Red Pet-Nat   
VQA Ontario  

A cheerful and vivacious red pét-nat with bubblegum nose and palate of ripe red berry fruit. Über fizzy and marvellously uncomplicated, this vidal dominant blend of pinot noir and gamay is the life of the single household party. Salty snacks and appies, please!  

2020 Pinot Gris 
VQA Niagara Peninsula 

Tangerine, golden berry, pear and yellow apple characterize this lightly oaked expressionBottled unfiltered to maximize the wine’s natural flavour, it has a light mouthfeel and crisp finish. Pair with pan-fried cod ‘n’ chips with kale salad and dill pickle dressing. 

2020 Gamay Noir 
VQA Niagara Peninsula 

This silky, unfiltered gamay is a refreshing take on the varietal. Oak aged for just three months, the bright red and black berry fruit shines with a dash of spice that’s reminiscent of old-school Beaujolais. Lovely with lentil dahl, seared salmon and creamy tarragon chicken.